Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Who watches this crap?

I must say, I had quite a shock this morning. A faithful coffee drinker, I usually need two cups before I am ready to face the world...not this morning. Apparently I have Adult Swim to thank for that.
Let it be known that I have never watched an episode of adult swim-according to the turner broadcasting website , Adult Swim is one of their most successful shows-(venues?, not sure). However, I got a snippet this morning..bright and early while trying to find something for my four year old to watch. The program was not titled Adult swim, but after a little research, apparently falls under this category. So bright and early this morning I was exposed to an adult cartoon character performing a sex act- What in the World!?!?!?!?!
Like most mothers I was shocked and disgusted. I felt like I had been slapped in the face- and then the anger set in..( Yes, I'm one of those angry bloggers) My first call was to the cable provider to have the channel cancelled, the second, an online complaint to the FCC and Cartoon network. The poor guy at the cable company got the brunt of my anger- He did little but stammer while I ranted about how violated and deceived I felt. After all, the description of the program led me to believe I was tuning into a program about Abraham Lincoln! Why in the World is THAT broadcasting at 8 o'clock in the morning? WHO WATCHES THIS CRAP?
So after my fury subsided, I began to wonder- If the know- it -all TV executives have a target audience in mind when they send out a program-who is it? I'll give them the benefit of the doubt (hahaahah) and concede that maybe they are targeting someone over 18 at 8 o'clock in the morning..Who are these adults who have time for cartoons at 8am? Don't they have a job to do, somewhere? Even if they do have time for cartoons before they are off to work- who finds this garbage entertaining? Whats their IQ? I'm only curious- someone please explain to me why anyone would find the idea of a cartoon adult performing a sex act entertaining? I'm not naive- I know there are all kinds of people out there- but do we have to provide entertainment for them right in the middle of the Disney channel and Scooby Doo?

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